Safe, Gentle, Effective Care

Getting Results is Our Expertise!

Pediatric Care

Pediatric Spines and Adult Spines are Different, So Are Their Adjustments

During the birth process, a newborn spine will undergo compression forces during normal contractions and distraction forces if c-section, forceps or vacuum extraction are utilized. A recent study indicates that 95% of newborns have spinal misalignments. What better way to start off life than with a well aligned spine? Our doctors are certified in the care of pediatrics and uses gentle techniques to locate and remove spinal subluxation. Babies usually remain sleeping during their adjustment if they are asleep already or smile.  It is a joyful experience for children and parents as they realize their child’s full potential in health.

10 Common Reasons Children Visit The Chiropractor:

  • Overall Health and Wellness 
  • Colic
  • Reflux
  • Headaches
  • Trouble Breastfeeding 
  • Pre- and Post- Tongue Tie Revision
  • Torticollis
  • Asthma
  • Enuresis (bed wetting) 
  • Delayed crawling or walking
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Pregnancy Care

What You Are Missing Out On

Many mothers have come to recognize the vital role that chiropractic care plays in a healthy pregnancy with a properly functioning spine and nervous system. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy allows for healthier function of the mother and baby. Abnormal positioning of the pelvis and spine can interfere with the position and development of baby and make delivery more challenging. A balanced pelvis and well aligned spine for mom, means a relaxed and comfortable environment for baby to grow and thrive. 

Our Doctors utilize the Webster Technique on all our pregnant mommas! The Webster Technique is a specific prenatal technique used to identify, and treat subluxation (or misalignment) and release tension in the pelvis of a pregnant mama through gentle, safe and specific chiropractic adjustments.

What You May Experience: General Health and Comfort, Structural Health and Alignment, Nervous System Health, Reduced Labor Time

Some Common Complaints We See:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Swelling of Hands and Feet
  • Upperback/Neck Tension
  • Reflux
  • Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
  • Breech Presentation
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One Of Many Awesome Stories We Have

testimonial image

"Seamless Labor and Delivery"

My experience with Dr. Kendra Larrington was incredible! I started seeing her for weekly prenatal chiropractic adjustments at 18 weeks pregnant. I was about to have my first baby and had heard horror stories from my friends who had a hard labor and delivery. With each visit to Dr. Larrington, my body felt more aligned, sleeping got easier, and I never experienced any pain through my entire 3rd trimester. I was 5 days past my due date when I delivered- I showed up to the hospital at 9 1/2 cm dilated and only pushed for an hour to birth my 9 lb 2 oz son. I had an extremely seamless labor and delivery, and attribute that to the weekly chiropractic maintenance I received.

Not only did Dr. Larrington align me correctly, but also provided an abundant amount of tips for at home stretching and nutrition. My favorite thing about Dr. Larrington was she became a friendly face to see every week. She is extremely personal and really cares about each of her patients and their needs! Thank you for everything Dr. Larrington!

-Laura B.

Adult Care

Get Lasting Results Faster!

We loving seeing our adults, because someone has to be able to keep up with chasing all the kids! So, whether you are struggling with Neck Pain, Back Pain, or Nerve pain, we will get you fixed up in order to keep you going! 

Common Conditions Adults come in for:

  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Nerve Pain
  • Numbness, Tingling
  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Neuropathy
  • Disc issues
  • Wellness Care
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How To Get Started


Schedule Your Initial Assessment

Discuss your health history & symptoms in depth. If necessary order any labs.


Complete physical/neurological examination


Review your lab results (if necessary), Discuss your Plan Of Action, Goals, Timeline ➡️ Execute

Schedule Your Assessment Today!

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